WBJEE 2017–Exam Schedule, Application form, Syllabus Declared–West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination

WBJEE 2017 - Exam Dates EligibilitySyllabus Pattern Application Form available

For the academic session of 2017–18, the Board will conduct the Common Entrance Examination for admission to Undergraduate Courses in Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture courses in Universities, Govt. Colleges and Self Financed Institutes in the State. The application for this examination will be received ONLINE at this portal of the Board, http://www.wbjeeb.in
Detail Information Bulletin and other information will be available from this page in due course of time.

Important Information:
Joint entrance exam completely has been conducted by West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB). West Bengal Joint Entrance 2016 Exam Schedule & Important Dates has been declared by the West Bengal WBJEEB For MBBS BDS Admission. The examinations will be conducted on 23.04.2017 (Sunday)

So many students appeared in this Joint entrance exam every year in West Bengal. This Joint Entrance exam held for to take admission into MBBS / BDS and Engineering courses in West Bengal, India.
Students now keep in eye on the official website for the 2016 – 2017 academic session, the Board will conduct the Common Entrance Examination for admission to Undergraduate Courses in Engineering & Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture in Universities, Govt. Colleges and Self Financed Institutes in the State. The application form for this examination will be taken from Board website at http://www.wbjeeb.nic.in.

Important Dates for WBJEE- 2017:

01 Start of Online form fill-up 05/01/2017
02 Last date of online form fill-up including payment and
downloading confirmation page
03 Window for correction by candidates 06/02/17 to 08/02/17
04 Publication of Downloadable Admit Card in
05 Date of Examinations:-

Paper-I (Mathematics)
Paper-II (Physics & Chemistry)

11:00a.m.to 1.00p.m.
2:00p.m.to 4:00p.m.

06 Publication of Results 05/06/2016 (tentative)

NOTICE FOR WBJEE -2017 On-line application for West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations (WBJEE) –
2017 for admission into undergraduate courses of Engineering/Pharmacy/Architecture in various  institutions of West Bengal for the academic year 2017 will be available on and from
05/01/2017 (Thursday). Last date of application (including payment of fees & downloading of confirmation page) is 04/02/2017.

Application fees:

Application fees (Rs.500/-+ service charges) can be paid through Net-banking /Debit Card /  Credit Card or by Cash through e-challan in any branch of Allahabad Bank.

Date of Examination – WBJEE 2017:

Date of Examinations EVENTS TIME-TABLE
23/04/2017 Paper-I (Mathematics) 11:00a.m.to 1.00p.m.
23.04.2017 Paper-II (Physics & Chemistry) 2:00p.m.to 4:00p.m.

On-line application is to be made through the official website. Detailed  information will be available  at www.wbjeeb.nic.in and www.wbjeeb.in.

Important Instruction for On-Line Application- WBJEE 2017.

  • Application for WBJEE-2017 has to be done online only. There is no printed application form.
  • .Ensure that you are filling genuine application form available on line at www.wbjeeb.nic.in
  • It is essential to have a mobile number and a unique email ID. All future  communications will be received from and sent through the registered  mobile number and email ID. Communications from candidates from any other mobile number or email ID cannot be considered genuine/official and hence are liable to be ignored. WBJEEB will not be responsible for non-receipt of any communication by the candidates if the mobile number and/or the email ID is found wrong/non-existing/changed.
  • Candidates are advised to study the Guidelines of Online  Application  thoroughly  before attempting online application.
  • Once the registration details i.e. name, father’s name, mother’s name and date of birth are enteredand submitted, they cannot be  changed/modified/edited under normal circumstances. Also  the information must match exactly with the school admit cards, mark   sheets, certificates, photo identity cards, caste/category certificates etc. which you have to produce to enter the examination hall, during counselling, during admission & during  registration with the University.
  • Do not attempt to make any duplicate application.
  • Do not share your application number; pass word, security question/answer with anyone.
  • Upload scanned copy of photograph, signature and left thumb impression only as described in the Information Bulletin.
  • If any information other than name, father’s name, mother’s name and date of birth given in the application need to be corrected then do the correction within the given window period of correction since no correction is possible thereafter.
  • If you receive any SMS/email regarding discrepancy in the photograph/signature
    /LTI uploaded by you, take corrective action immediately within one day.
  • The amount of application fees to be paid for appearing in the WBJEE-2017is ₹500 (Rupees five hundred only) plus the Bank’s Service Charges as applicable. The Examination Fees can be paid in cash less  mode by ‘Net Banking’/ ‘Debit Card’/ ‘Credit Card’ or in  cash using Allahabad Bank e-challan. Payment status is updated online and hence should show ‘OK’ immediately after the payment. But in some rare cases it may be delayed due to the Bank’s network delay/ failure or transaction failure at the Electronic Payment Gateway (EPG). If the payment status does not show ‘OK’ immediately after  making  the  payment then the candidates are advised as follows,
    1) If the payment was made by e-challan, contact the bank branch immediately, where the cash payment was made.
    2) If the  payment was made by net banking/debit card/credit card, and the  transaction failed at EPG, the candidate has to make payment once again.
    Do not wait for the last day to make fee  payment  in  order  to  avoid  payment  failure  by Bank or EPG.
  • Keep copies of confirmation page, admit card in safe custody.  It is not possible to generate any duplicate copy

Rules of the Examination of WBJEE –2017 :

  • Candidates will be  allowed to enter the examination centre 30 minutes before commencement of the test.
  • Be sure about the exact location of your examination centre and means of commuting in order to avoid any inconvenience on the day of examination.
  • No candidate will be allowed to seat for the test in any centre other than the one allotted  to him/her & mentioned in the admit card..
  • Carry the following documents in order to enter the examination centre.
    a. A hard copy of admit card of WBJEE-2017
    b. A copy of colored photograph uploaded during online application.
    c. Any  photo  identity  card  in  original such  as Aadhar  card/Pan  card  /Passport/10th standard admit card/ School –ID card.
  • Frisking may be carried out while entering the centre for checking prohibited objects.
  • Candidates are advised to take their seats at least 15 minutes before the test.
  • No candidate will be allowed to enter the examination hall beyond the scheduled time of commencement of the test under any circumstances.
  • Candidates are not allowed to carry any written or printed  material, calculator,pen,docu-pen,log table, wristwatch, any communication device like mobile phones etc. inside the examination hall. Any candidate found with such items will be reported against & his/her candidature will be summarily cancelled.
  • Question  booklets will be distributed maximum 15 minutes before commencement of the test. Take out the OMR sheet without breaking seals of the question booklet.
  • Check that your OMR number & question booklet number are same. If not, ask the invigilator to replace the whole set from same series.
  • Put your signature on the top of question booklet.
  • Read instruction given on OMR & on the cover page of question booklet very carefully.
  • Write question booklet number & roll number at the appropriate places on the OMR. If you make any mistake while doing so do not over write. Request the invigilator to strike it out & rewrite the correct no and put his/her signature. Wrong entry of question booklet number & roll number may lead to rejection of the OMR if not corrected & signed by the invigilator.
  • Darken appropriate bubbles of question booklet number & Roll number.
  • Write your name in BLOCK LETTERS,name of the centre & put your signature in appropriate places on the OMR. Do not put any stray mark anywhere else; it may lead to rejection of OMR.
  • Put your signature & left thumb impression at appropriate place in the attendance sheet.
  • Check that your Roll number, photograph, spelling of your name in the attendance sheet. matches with those given in your admit card. If any correction is needed, bring it to the notice of the invigilator.
  • Question booklet seals can be opened only at the time of commencement of test and as announce by the invigilator. Check all the pages of question booklet. If there is any damage or missing page or any difficulties to read the question booklet, ask your invigilator to replace the whole set from the same series.
  • Maintain silence during the test. Any conversation/gesticulation or creation of disturbances will be deemed as misdemeanor. If any candidate is found adopting any unfair means, his/her candidature will be cancelled and / or he/she will be debarred either permanently or for a period for the paper as deemed fit by the Centre-in-Charge.
  • No discussion will be allowed with the invigilator regarding the question.
  • Candidates may do rough work in the space provided in the question booklet.
  • No candidate will leave his/her seat without permission of the invigilator until the test is over.
  • No candidate will leave the  hall till the end of the test & all OMRs are collected & tallied by the invigilator.
  • Candidates are allowed to take his/her question booklet after the test.
  • Any candidate found to occupy a seat other than the one allotted to him/her will  be reported against & his/her paper will be cancelled.
  • If any Examinee is found impersonating he will be handed over to the  police & candidature of the original candidate will be cancelled outright.
  • For any query regarding the examination  contact.

Controller of Examinations
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board
AQ-13/1, Sector –V, SaltLake City,
Examination Helpdesk:-1800-3450-050, 03323671149, 59, 99.
Website:  www.wbjeeb.in