UPSC Recruitment Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II Mechanical.
UPSC Recruitment Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Mechanical) Post Apply within 17.12.2015.
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) invites Applications for the Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Mechanical) post given below for direct recruitment through the Online Recruitment Application process. Candidates can apply for the post Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II Mechanical within 17th December, 2015. So candidates, who are eligible for the following post they can apply. Now more details given below for the post which direct recruitment by the UPSC. Advertisement No. 17/2015 and Prescribed Last Date (Online Recruitment Application) 17-12-2015.
Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Mechanical).
Name of Post : Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II (Mechanical)
Ministry/Administration : Ministry of Defence
Department/Office : Department of Defence Production
Name of Organisation: Directorate General of Aeronautical Quality Assurance.
Vacancy No: 15111701628
Number of Posts and Reservation:
SL | UR | OBC | SC | ST | PH | TOTAL |
01 | 04 | 02 | 02 | 01 | 00 | 09 |
Post Description
SCALE OF PAY: 15600-39100 plus – 5400/- Grade Pay (PB-3).
Candidates Age: Candidates age not exceeding 35 years. Relaxable for SC/ST/OBC/PH/ESM and central govt employees as per the existing order of the central govt.
Essential Qualifications:
A. EDUCATIONAL“Degree in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent”
Note:- The qualification are relaxable at Commission’s discretion in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
Two years experience in production, development or quality assurance in the field of aircraft/missile/air armament and other airborne stores and related ground support equipments.
Note-1 The qualifications regarding experience are relaxable at the discretion of Union Public Service Commission. In case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, if at any stage of selection, the Union Public Service Commission is of the opinion that sufficient number of candidates from these communities possessing requisite experience are not likely to be available to fill up the posts reserved for them.
Desirable Qualifications: (i) Certificate course in German or French or Russian (ii) Second class in (i) above
Nature of Duties: Inspection and quality assurance of military aircraft, aero engines, their allied systems, air armament and airborne and ground equipment during their manufacture, overhauling and indigenization.
Probation: Two years
Head Quarter: New Delhi
Other Details: Defence Aeronautical Quality Assurance service Group ‘A’ Nature of posts – The posts are permanent.
Any Other Conditions: Candidates will be required to serve in any of the establishments of DGAQA located all over India.
Now more details given below the Link for the post Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II Mechanical, which will be direct recruitment by the UPSC.
Candidates Click Here for Apply: Senior Scientific Officer Grade-II Mechanical Post – 2015