WBJEE Admit Card 2016 Download
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) has been released the WBJEE admit card 2016. Candidates can be download the WBJEE 2016 Admit card from the official website at wbjeeb.nic.in. Candidates this Admit card is also known as the ‘Hall Ticket’ and issued to only who have submitted application form and fees on time, correctly.
Important details of the exam such as examination center, candidate’s Roll Number, Date and Time and other credentials are printed in the WBJEE 2016 admit card.
Most Urgent Announcement for Biological Science paper.
The Honourable Supreme Court in a Judgment passed on 9th May 2016, has held that only National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) would enable students to get admission to MBBS or BDS studies. In compliance of the said order of the Honourable Supreme Court, the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board has decided not to conduct the examination on Biological Sciences Paper scheduled to be held on 17th May, 2016 from 9:00 am to 11:30 am.
However, examinations on the subjects of Physics+Chemistry and Mathematics will be held as scheduled at their respective timing as declared earlier. It may be noted that the candidates who applied for “Medical” (type–M) examinations can, if they so desire, sit for Physics + Chemistry paper, which will make them eligible for the Pharmacy course.
The modality of refund of application fees,where applicable will be decided in due course, and will be intimated through the WBJEEB Website.
Click on for know the Important updates information of WBJEE 2016:
- Important Information for Candidates
- Urgent Announcement reg Bio-Sc paperCandidates after downloading and printing it, please check that all the details are correct and verifiable. Get here complete details of WBJEE admit card 2016 such as how to download it and dates.
Important Event Related to WBJEE Admit Card Dates WBJEE 2016 admit card is available from 04 Apr 2016
03 May 2016Date of WBJEE 2016 exam 17 May 2016 WBJEE Admit Card 2016 – Released
West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination board has been released the WBJEE Admit Card 2016 through online. Candidates must be download and printed the WBJEE 2016 Admit card or Hall Ticket to appear in the exam. The hard copy of Admit card has to be carried, along with all other required documents. Candidates Enter application number and password to download admit card of WBJEE 2016 at www.wbjee.nic.in download admit card page. Photograph, signature and other details in the hall ticket must not be mutilated.
Candidates If the above window does not load then, Click here to download Your Admit Card.
(Look Now Notified on 28th April, 2016) – In spite of repeated notices and telephonic requests, the following candidates have not uploaded corrected photo/ signature or have not deposited additional fees of Rs. 100/- on changing ‘type of application from E or M to C. These candidates will be debarred form downloading admit card and hence appearing in WBJEEM – 2016.
- Facility to download admit card is now available as per the schedule. WBJEE 2016 exam dates have been announced by the exam conducting body. Candidates can download WBJEE Admit Card from the link given on this page.
Exam Instructions of WBJEE 2016:
latest notification of WBJEE 2016 exam will held on the due date scheduled by WBJEE. Candidates are required to follow the below-mentioned instruction during the entrance examination .
- Candidates are not allowed to enter the venue without valid WBJEEB 2016 Admit card along with original ID proof.
- Candidates are allowed to enter the examination hall 25 minutes before the commencement of entrance exam.
- Candidates are required to bring a copy colour photograph same as that is uploaded with the application form.
- Candidates are not allowed to enter to the examination hall beyond the time of commencement of examination.Candidates Click here to view the complete important information for the candidates appearing WBJEE 2016.
How to download Admit Card (WBJEE 2016) ?
The procedure for downloading admit card of WBJEE is simple and candidate friendly. General steps followed to download the hall ticket, as understood from last year’s process is outlined below.
Go to the official website of WBJEE. The admit card is available for download, you will be able to see the link for downloading admit card there.
Log in and registration page appears.
On that page, you will be asked to enter details such as the following:
- Registration Number
- PasswordOn entering details, you can log in and download the admit card of WBJEE 2016. A sample admit card of a few years ago is given below for your reference.
WBJEE 2016 Admit Card:
For each Applicant, an Admit Card is being generated indicating the allotted Examination Centre and a downloadable version of the WBJEE admit card is published on the respective webpage of the candidate concerned. An Examination Roll Number will also be generated for each candidate.
WBJEE Admit Card Download
Admit cards is generated on the notified date for the student to download and take a print. After submission of application forms and receipt of application fee by the Board, an WBJEE Admit Card is generated. You can download your admit card of WBJEEM exam here now.
Candidate will need to log in using Application Number and Password. - Candidates you must download the soft copy of the WBJEE Admit Card from the website wbjeeb.nic.in and appear in the examination with a printed hard copy at the concerned Examination Centre indicated in the downloaded Admit Card.
- Candidates you must ensure that the photograph and signature printed on the admit card of WBJEE are not mutilated / distorted / soiled even by accident.
- Candidates with such mutilated / distorted / soiled admit cards will not be allowed to appear in WBJEEM entrance exam.
- Candidates you are required to present the printed and un-tampered copy of the WBJEE admit card along with Identical one copy of original photograph (same as uploaded).All applicants who appear to be prima facie eligible will be issued admit cards and shall be provisionally permitted to sit for WBJEEM 2016.
Instructions for WBJEE Admit Card:
- Candidate has to carry to the examination centre a printed hard copy of the admit card along with a photograph identical with the one uploaded earlier.
- Candidates must ensure that the admit card is not mutilated/ distorted/ soiled even by accident.
- Candidates with such mutilated/ distorted/ soiled admit cards will not be allowed to appear in WBJEEM-2016.
- Candidates are advised to retain their admit cards carefully in secured place in undamaged condition in all respects till completion of admission procedure.
Candidates If the above window does not load then, Click here to download Your Admit Card.