Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (SET) 2016 for Assistant Professor Exam Date Declared.
Maharashtra State Eligibility Test (SET) 2016 for Assistant Professor Exam Date Declared.
Maharashtra State Eligibility Test 2016 (SET) has been conducted by the Savitribai Phule Pune University. The Maharashtra State Eligibility Test for Assistant Professor examination will be held in so many cities are Ahmednagar, Amravati, Aurangabad, Chandrapur, Dhule, Jolgaon, Kolhapur, Pune, Panaji (Goa) Sholapur, Nasik, Nanded and Nagpur.
Candidates who are eligible for this test examination can apply through the official website of SET 2016 Maharashtra. The test exam will be commenced on Sunday, 29th May, 2016.
Important Dates:
SL | Particulars | Date |
01 | Commencement of Online Form Submission |
15.02.2016 |
02 | Last date for Applying Online & generation of filled Bank Challan for Fee |
11.03.2016 |
03 | Last date for submission of Fee through online generated Bank Challan, at any branch of HDFC Bank or Bank of Maharashtra or by Debit/Credit Card |
15.03.2016 |
04 | Date of Examination | 29.05.2016 |
Exam Paper for SET – 2016:
The SET exam will be consists of Paper – I, Paper-II and Paper-III. The examination will be held in one day for all three papers. The exam will be held in two separate sessions. All the three papers will consist of only objective type questions.
Session | Paper | No of Questions |
Marks | Duration |
First | I | 60 out of which 50 questions are to be attempted |
50×2=100 | 1-1/4 hours (10 to 11:15 AM |
First | II | 50 questions all of which are compulsory |
50×2=100 | 1-1/4 hours (11:15 – 12:30 PM) |
2nd | III | 75 Questions all of which are compulsory |
75×2=150 | 2-1/2 hours (02 to 04:30PM) |
Application Fees:
Sr.No | Category | Fees |
01 | For General | Rs 550 |
02 | OBC/SBC/DT(A) NT(B)NT(C)/NT(D) ( Non Creamy Layer category only Sc/St/PH/VH |
Rs 450 |
Eligibility Criteria Apply:
The candidates must have Master’s Degree recognized by U.G.C. Candidates having Post Graduate diploma/certificate awarded by Indian University/Institute or Foreign degree/diploma/certificate awarded by the Foreign University/Institute. More details given below for apply set-2016.
Click to link for Eligible Criteria for SET 2016
How to Get Admit Card for SET 2016:
Admit Cards will be provided online to all candidates 10 days prior to the date of the examination on website
Candidate shall enter his/her Username and password for getting printout of his/her Admit Card.
Admit Cards will not be sent to the candidates by Post. Candidates have to download and get a printout of
Candidate must carry admit card and also one additional photo identity such as a driving license, college/university identity card, pan card etc. to the examination center on the Day of the Examination.
If your admit card do not display image of your photograph, you have to paste the photo at appropriate place and get attested from the competent authority.
The candidate is not allowed in the Examination Hall without the Identity Card.
Please confirm that your name, subject, Centre, category, Physically or Visually handicapped shown in the admit card are correct. If there is any error in the admit card please contact SET office, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune on phone nos.: 020 25692527, 25601289 immediately and submit written application to SET Office otherwise SET Office will not be responsible for making necessary corrections and will not be responsible for providing benefits or for loss arising out of these to the candidates.
Candidates are also requested to contact Examination Incharge of the centre selected by them for any assistance.
The State Eligibility Test (SET) 2016 , for the present, is being conducted in the subjects under the faculties of Arts, Science, Mental, Moral and Social Sciences, Commerce, Law, Management, Education and Physical Education.
All Subjects:
The SET will be conducted only in the following 32 subjects listed below. The candidates are supposed to appear for only one subject from the list.
Marathi, Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Urdu, History, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Political Science, Defence & strategic Studies, Home Science, Library & Information Science, Journalism and Mass Communication, Social Work, Public Administration, Mathematical Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Physics, Chemical Sciences, Life Sciences, Earth Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences, Geography, Computer Science & Application, Electronic Science, Forensic Science, Commerce, Law, Management (including Business Admn. Mgt./Marketing/ Marketing Mgt./Industrial Relations and Personnel Mgt./ Personnel Mgt./Financial Mgt./Co-operative Management), Education & Physical Education.
Candidates have to appear for SET in the subject of their Post Graduation only. However, candidates whose post graduation subject is not covered in the list of subjects, may appear in a related subject as per the guidelines of U.G.C.(NET).
Click to link for Eligible faculties and Subjects
Official website :
Candidates look the official website for more details information about the SET- 2016.