KIITEE 2016 Entrance Test Important Information for Exam Paper & Registration.
Candidates how to registration and how to entrance in the examination hall? and how to complete the entrance exam through the computer?. KIITEE 2016 Entrance Test Examination for admission to B.Tech. for 4years Course, B.Tech & M.Tech-Dual Degree course for 5years, B.Tech & MBA-Dual Degree course for 6 years and B.Arch for 5 Years. Examination For MBBS, BDS, B.Sc. Nursing, Biotechnology Dual Degree course, B.Tech, M.Tech.
How to Registration by the Candidates:
Candidates cleared by security person immediately report to Registration desk:
01. Candidate produces the hall ticket.
02. Individual’s identification verified with the photograph/identity proof.
03. On verification of identity, admit card scanned, photograph of the candidate and finger prints of left & right thumb captured, a Computer Number is allotted and directed to the computer lab.
04. Candidate proceeds to the allotted computer to take the KIITEE 2016 Entrance Test examination.
KIITEE 2016 Entrance Test Fully Computer Based Test : How to Apply.
Candidates Enters the Computer lab and follow the important instructions:
1. Proctor guides the candidate to the allotted computer.
2. The computer will be showing a welcome screen.
3. Candidate will be provided with a sheet of paper for Rough work.
4. The candidate waits for Start of Test KIITEE 2016.
5. Candidates are briefed about the examination process.
6. Candidate logs in by entering the password given in the admit card, goes through the instructions and waits for the administrator to start the test.
7. Technical in charge initiates the ‘Start of Test’, which refreshes the screen and enables candidates to start the test.
8. The candidate starts answering the questions and the timer starts. The individual cannot take any break before completion of the test.
9. The candidate takes the Test, and in case of any doubt with regard to the test raises hand to draw the attention of proctor for help.
10. In case the candidate finishes the test before allotted time, he/she gets a confirmation page which will give two options; either to go back to the test or to complete the test.
11. In case candidate wants to review the answers in the remaining time he/she can do so else he/she may complete the test and submit.
12. Once the candidate completes the on-line test, he/she should be able to see the screen indicating completion of test with a thank you note.
Information for the Test:
01. In each of these sections, every question is followed by 4 answer options. Choose the option that is most appropriate. Indicate your answer by clicking on the circle adjacent to the option you think is right.
02. You can go to any question directly by clicking on the question number, which will appear at the bottom of the screen. The answered question number will be marked Green and the unanswered/ skipped question number will remain in blue.
03. If you are doubtful of the answer, you can mark a question for review using the ‘Mark for review button’. This will be unmarked once you come back to the same question at a later time and change the answer.
04. If you want to change the answer of any question, you may select the question and change the answer by clicking on the appropriate answer.
05. Each correct answer fetches 4 marks.
06. There is negative marking. 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.
07. If you have completed answering all the questions in the sequence of a particular section, you will be automatically directed to the first question of the next section.
08. You can move between sections at your will.
09. The test closes automatically once the allotted time of 180 Minutes are over.
10. In case you finish your test before allotted time, you will get a confirmation page which will give you two options. Either to go back to the test or to complete the test.
11. In case you want to review the answers in the remaining time you can do so, else you may complete the test and submit. Ensure that you click on submit as a sign of completion.
KIITEE 2016 Important Date:
Date of Entrance Examination : 21-04-2016 (Online) (Annexure-I) to : 30-04-2016
Declaration of Result Date: 15-05-2016
Date of Counseling : 02-06-2016 to 15-06-2016
Detailed Counseling Schedule will be declared after publication of result on 15th May 2016 by the KIITEE board..
Examination For MBBS/BDS / B.Sc.Nursing/Biotechnology-Dual Degree (B.Tech / M.Tech)