Bihar BED Common Entrance Test 2025 Exam, Application Dates LNMU.
Bihar (CET-BED) 2025 Conducted by Lalit Narayan Mithila University
Lalit Narayan Mithila University (LNMU) is going to release the official notification regarding Bihar B.Ed. Common Entrance Test (CET-BED) 2025. Applicants who have completed their 10+2 or UG course and are planning to take admission for Bachelor of Education can apply for Bihar B.Ed. Entrance Test from the direct link given below. LNMU will soon start the registration process and will accept online applications at
Important Instructions for Bihar CET-B.Ed. 2025 Exam:
1. For CET-B.Ed.-2025, the Application is to be filled online. Candidates are requested to go through the instructions given in this prospectus and on the website
2. For any shortcoming in eligibility, the candidate concerned will solely be responsible, and no plea will be admissible in this regard.
3. Candidates must keep safely with themselves the printed/photocopy of the Online Application Form, Registration Number etc. for future reference. These are not to be sent to Lalit Narayan Mithila University or anywhere else.
4. It is essential to upload your front face coloured photograph and signature in 35 mm × 45 mm size at the place specified while filling up Application Form. Photograph and signature files each must be upto 100 KB size in jpg format.
5. Your Email ID will remain you Login ID for CET-B.Ed.-2024.
6. Any lawsuit related to CET-B.Ed.-2024 will lie in Patna High Court Jurisdiction.
7. Candidates will be required to upload a copy of the marks sheet of Matric, Intermediate, graduation and Master (as the case may be) or equivalent in jpeg format at a specified space. They are advised to keep these documents with themselves at the time of filling up the form.
8. As identity proof, candidates will be required to mention their Aadhaar Number/Voter ID Card No./Driving License No./Passport No. at the time of filling Application Form.
9. While filling up Application form entries in Gender, Domicile and Category should be made carefully. After Payment of fee, no change of any short can be made there in.
Educational Eligibility for CET-B.Ed. 2025:
Candidates with at least 50% marks either in the Bachelor’s Degree (10+2+3) and/or in the Master’s Degree in Sciences/Social Sciences/ Humanities/ Commerce or Bachelor’s in Engineering/Technology with specialisation in Science and Mathematics with 55% marks or any other qualification equivalent thereto are eligible to appear in the admission test for the Two year B. Ed. Programme (CET-B.Ed.)
Minimum Qualifying Marks for CET-B.Ed. 2025:
1. For Candidates of Unreserved Category: 35% correspondingly 42 marks.
2. For SC, ST, BC, EBC, WBC, EWS and Divyaang Category Candidates: 30% correspondingly 36 Marks.
3. There is no negative marking.
General Instructions for Online Application:
01. Fill in your full name as given in your certificate of High School or equivalent examinations. Don’t add any honorific title like Shree/ Shreemati/ Kumari/ Sushree /Doctor etc. with your name.
02. Fill in the name of your father as per directions given at S.No.-1 above.
03. Fill in the name of your mother as per directions given at S.No.-1 above.
04. Fill in your Date of Birth in DD/MM/YYYY format as given in your certificate of High School/Secondary or any other examinations.
05. Enter your E-mail ID at the space specified for it. OTP will be sent to your E-mail ID, which you will have to use for verification of your E-mail ID.
06. Enter your 10-digit mobile number at the space specified for it. OTP will be sent to your mobile number, which you will have to use for verification of your mobile number.
07. Click the appropriate box to mention your gender, Fill this entry carefully.
Nationality: Choose your nationality.
Domicile of Bihar: If candidate is a resident of Bihar, choose ‘Bihar; or ‘Other. If the Candidate is not a resident of Bihar, he/she will not get benefits of reservation. To upload the residential certificate.
Category: Click before the Reserved or Unreserved category, as applicable. In the Application Form, there is the provision for Unreserved, Backward Category, Extremely Backward Category, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Candidates belonging to BC or EBC category and come under Creamy Layer they will not get the benefits of reservation of their category. They will be considered under unreserved category. Applicants are required to mention the category to which he/she belongs. Reservation applicable as per Bihar State Government rules. Candidates from outside Bihar shall fill Unreserved category.
Divyaang Category: If the applicant belongs to Divyaang Category and wants to take benefit of reservation, in that case, click ‘Yes’ before it. For this, it is essential to upload the relevant certificate in the specified format, issued by the Chief Medical Officer or duly constitution board and after that select sub-category
Marital Status: Select Married/Unmarried to specify your marital status.
Proof of Identification:
For identification, applicant mention his/her Aadhar Number/ Voter ID No./ Driving License No./ PAN No./ Passport No.
Sub-Category: If the applicant wants to avail the benefit of Service Men Quota or Divyaang, he/she must select the relevant
category here. It will be essential to present the relevant certificate at the time of counselling. At the time of filling up the application form, upload a copy of the same. Service man quota (SMQ) benefits can be availed by Bihar resident and son or unmarried daughter only.
Complete Postal Address:
For correspondence, applicants mention their name and full postal address at appropriable place. Applicants must mention their PIN CODE with their postal address.
Upload the Marks Sheet of Matric or equivalent.
Upload the Marks Sheet of Intermediate or equivalent.
Details of Graduation:
Mention the full Marks and aggregate obtained Marks in Bachelor Programme at the specified place. With this, the percentage of marks secured will appear automatically. Upload the Marks Sheet of the Bachelor Programme.
Details of Post-Graduate Programme:
Mention the full Marks and Aggregate Marks Secured in the Post-Graduate Programme at the specified place. With this, the percentage of marks secured will appear automatically. Upload the Marks Sheet of the PG Programme if necessity.
Cities for the entrance test:
Applicants have to choose the names of three cities for the entrance test. (see Appendix-I) Darbhanga is only one city for Shiksha Shastri Examination Centre. Lalit Narayan Mithila University will allot them a centre on this basis.
Candidates will have to accept the Centre allotted by Lalit Narayan Mithila University. It is not compulsory that allotted examination centre would be from the cities chosen by the candidate. Any claim/request to change the test centre will not be accepted.
Admit Card:
Candidates shall be able to download the Admit Card of CETB.Ed.-2025 by login with their Login ID and Password on the CET-B.Ed.-2024 Website: as per schedule.
Pattern of Entrance Test: CET-B.Ed.-2025 shall be of two hours duration. Candidates have to answer 120 multiple-choice questions. Each question shall have four expected answers of which they have to select the most appropriate answer and mark them on the OMR sheet provided along with the Question Booklet. Candidate must use blue/black ball pen only to mark the answer on the OMR sheet.
The Question Booklet shall have 120 objective type questions each carrying one mark.
The maximum marks allotted to the Entrance Test is 120. OMR Sheet/Answer Sheet shall be provided for answering the questions.
1. General English Comprehension (B.Ed. Programme) – No. of Questions -15, Marks-15
1. General Sanskrit Comprehension (Shiksha Shastri Programme)- No. of Questions -15, Marks-15.
2. General Hindi – No. of Questions -15, Marks-15
3. Logical & Analytical Reasoning- – No. of Questions -25, Marks-25
4. General Awareness – No. of Questions – 40, Marks- 40
5. Teaching-Learning Environment in Schools- No. of Questions -25, Marks-25
Total 120 Questions and 120 Marks
Entrance Test Fee: Bihar CET-BED 2025
The Entrance Test Fee will be-
Rs. 1000/- (One Thousand) for General/unreserved candidates.
Rs. 750/- (Seven Hundred and Fifty) for differently abled/EBC/BC/Women/EWS.
Rs. 500/- (Five Hundred) for the SC/ST category candidates.
The Fee is to be paid through an online payment gateway only. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstance(s).
Process of Online Application:
Application will be completed in following steps:
First Step: Online Registration of the Applicant. In this step Login ID will be created. You have to upload Photo & Signature at in size.
Second Step: Completing up the Application Form. Fill all entries with atmost care in this stage, particularly gender, domicile and category.
Third Step: Online payment of CET Fee and taking Print out of the Completed Application Form.
Candidates should have to keep in their safe custody the original printout/photocopy of application form for future reference.
Before filling up the online application from for Two Year B.Ed. Combined Entrance Test (CET-B.Ed.-2024) candidate must ensure their eligibility, going through the relevant portion of the Instructions available on the website:
Guidelines to fill up the Online Application Form for B.Ed. & Shiksha Shastri Common Entrance Test (CET-B.Ed.-2025)
Applicants should have the following things ready before applying:
1. An E-mail Account for registration and for receiving all future correspondence till the admission process is over.
2. One Mobile Number to receive SMS based notifications/ communications related to the online application; Admit card etc. till the admission process is over.
3. A scanned copy of recent passport sized colour photograph (Scanned in ‘jpeg’ format only. File size of scanned photograph should not be more than 100 KB).
4. Your scanned signature using Black ball pen only on white sheet (Scanned in ‘jpeg’ format only. File size of scanned signature should not be more than 100 KB).
5. Access to an online payment facility/service such as:
a. Net Banking
b. Credit Card
c. ATM-cum-Debit Card
Important Dates – Bihar B.Ed. Common Entrance Test (CET-BED) 2025:
Official Website:
Conducted By: Lalit Narayan Mithila University (LNMU)
Date of Exam: Published soon
Application Form Begin: Published soon
Last Date to Apply: Published soon
Admit Card Release: Published soon
Date of Result: Published soon
Date of Counselling: Updated Soon