CMC Vellore 2016 Entrance Exam for Group A and B Courses.
Christian Medical College has been announced the exam date for Admissions and Entrance exam 2016. Candidates you can look the Entrance Test for MBBS, B.Sc Nursing and other Group A and B courses will be held on 21 May 2016 which has been released now. Applicants can download CMC Vellore Admit Card 2016 to appear in the entrance exam. Admission will be on the basis of CMC Vellore Result 2016 merit list. Candidates Get here complete details of CMC Vellore 2016 entrance exam including application form, eligibility, admit card, result and counselling.
CMC Vellore 2016 Group A and B Admission
CMC Vellore is among the Top 5 Medical Colleges in India as per various college rankings. Admission will be on the basis of CMC Vellore 2016 Entrance Exam. It is important to study efficiently for this medical entrance exam looking at the high level of competition.
CMC Vellore 2016 Entrance Exam Important Dates.
CMC Vellore MBBS, BSc, MSc Diploma 2016 Application Form:
Candidates You can apply online for Christian Medical College Entrance Exam 2016. CMC Vellore Application Form 2016 is available at from 18 Feb 2016. Online application form and information brochure of CMC Vellore has published for Undergraduate Degree Courses (Group A – MBBS / B.Sc Nursing / Allied Health Sciences Degree), Diploma, MSc and Fellowship Courses (Group B – Nursing/Allied Health Science Diplomas, Post Graduate Diplomas, MSc & Fellowships) admissions.
Candidates Apply Online Here– Click here to fill the Application Form for CMC Vellore Entrance Exam 2016.
Mock Test: Click Here for Sample Mock Test – Group A & B Courses Mock Test
Application Fee:
The application fee includes a basic administrative fee of Rs. 800 plus a registration fee per course applied. The registration fee per course is given below:
Course | Fees per course |
MBBS, BSc (Nursing) & AHS Degree | Rs 500/- |
Diploma in Nursing and other Allied Health Science diplomas | Rs 100/- |
MPH, MSc courses and Fellowship in Analytical Clinical Pharmacology | Rs 500/- |
- Demand draft in favour of “C.M.C. Vellore Association a/c” on any Scheduled Bank, payable in Vellore. Keep your demand draft ready before filling the application form. Write your name and application number on the back of the demand draft and send the original DD to this office before 01 Ap 2016.
- As a challan at no extra cost at any branch of ICICI bank in India. A challan will be generated when filling payment details in the application form. Please mention FC-CMC-V on the challan. Send the original challan to this office before 01 Apr 2016.
CMC Vellore Eligibility for Admission:
The following qualifications are considered equivalent to the Plus Two Examination of the Higher Secondary Board of Tamil Nadu for the purpose of admission. (Subject to Eligibility Certificate issued by the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai, where applicable).
- Intermediate examination, Pre-Degree Examination or Plus Two Examination of any recognised Indian University or State Board.
- The Senior Higher School Certificate Examination (12 years) conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi (examination held in 1979 or thereafter with not less than 5 subjects, of which English shall be one).
- The Indian School Certificate Examination (12 years) conducted by the Council for Indian School Examination (held in 1977 or thereafter).
- Intermediate Examination (two year course) conducted by the Board of Intermediate Education, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh.
- Pre-University Examination (two year course) conducted by the Board of Pre-University Education, Government of Karnataka.
For candidates who have studied abroad, the equivalency of qualification as determined by the Association of Indian Universities will form the guidelines to determine the eligibility. Please note that these are only guidelines and candidates who have qualified overseas must get in touch with the Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University.
For courses where Graduation or Diploma is required, the eligibility would be as per the guidelines of the registering University or affiliating body or by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu.
Whereas those who are doing their examinations may apply, the responsibility is on the candidate that mark-sheets and pass certificates must be available by the time of the interviews.
Those already employed: Candidates currently holding appointments in Government or Private Institutions who seek admission to courses should obtain a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the employer stating that „necessary permission has been given to the candidate who will be released for Registration for admission to the (name of course) course in the Christian Medical College. In case of a delay in getting permission, kindly submit the online application form within the stipulated date and send in the certificate later with a covering note.
Eligibility Certificate:– Candidates who have passed any qualifying examination other than the Higher Secondary course examination conducted by the Government of Tamil Nadu shall obtain an eligibility certificate from the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai by remitting the prescribed fee along with the application form before seeking admission to any one of the affiliated Medical Institutions. The candidate will be required to produce the eligibility certificate at the time of registration for admission to the course if selected.
Entrance Examination: 2016
There will be a Computer Based Test for all the Group A and B Courses.
Subjects | Number of Questions | Time Duration |
Physics | 60 | 120 minutes |
Chemistry | 60 | |
Biology | 60 | |
General ability section I | 60 | 50 minutes |
General ability section II | 60 | 20 minutes |
A Computer-Based test consisting of multiple choice questions is conducted in English (see examples at the end). Each question will have five possible answers. Your task will be to select the one best answer to each question. There will be ONLY ONE CORRECT ANSWER to each question. For the degree courses (MBBS, BSc Nursing & Allied Health Science Degree Courses) there are 60 questions each in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (120 minutes total time). This is followed by 120 questions in General Ability including Speed and Accuracy and also a few questions on issues of current topical interest.
The 120 question in General Ability will be in two sections.
- Section I will have 60 questions to be answered in 50 minutes
- Section II will have 60 questions to be answered in 20 minutes.
The duration of whole examination will be 3 hours and 10 minutes.
Exam pattern for other courses
- For the Diploma courses, the examination consists of 25 questions each in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and 15 questions in General ability. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes.
- For other courses where a background in science is not required, the non-science paper will have 90 questions including English, General Ability, speed and accuracy and a few questions on issues of current topical interest. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes.
- For courses which require a special paper, there will be 90 questions pertaining to that particular subject. The duration of the exam will be 90 minutes.
Negative Marking
Since the possible answers for each question are provided, you may wonder whether or not to guess the answer for questions you are not certain about. There is no negative marking and hence at times it may be worthwhile making an intelligent guess. That choice is yours and you have to decide how close to the options you are.
In the entrance test for degree courses (MBBS, Nursing, AHS degree courses), credit is given for questions not attempted (those left blank). The credit given is equal to 1/5 (0.2) of the mark for that question. So your score will probably be more if you leave out the questions about which you know nothing. Remember, however, that a correct answer will be given one full mark. So if you have some knowledge of the question, and are able to eliminate one or more of the possible answers, your chances of guessing the correct answer increases. It may be to your advantage to attempt such questions.
CMC Vellore Syllabus for Entrance Exam:
The syllabus for the common entrance tests (unless otherwise specified) will be a mixture of “plus two‟ level boards recognized by the TN Dr. MGR Medical University. Papers will be in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Ability including Speed and Accuracy and a few questions on current topical interest. Wherever there is a special paper for a particular course, the questions will be related to that subject. Please see the course description in the prospectus given below.
Courses, Qualification, Duration, Seats and Fee Structure
Group A (Candidates may apply for maximum 7 courses)
Selection Procedure
All candidates whose applications are in order and complete will be registered. They will go through a competitive process comprising of a preliminary Computer Based Entrance Test (Step-1). Short-listed candidates will be invited for Step-2 which consists of special tests to assess the candidate‟s character and aptitude. Interviews also will form part of the assessment at this stage. All admissions are based on interse merit. The College recognizes that merit is not merely academic merit but is, in addition, a collection of various other factors, which go towards suitability to pursue a professional career.
The Selection Process / admission will be subject to any orders passed or that may be passed by Government / University / Professional Councils.
Information Bulletin
CMC Vellore Information Bulletin may be downloaded free from official website. We have also provided the same below. Essential details are provided in this bulletin to enable candidates to fill their application form for the MBBS, BSc Nursing, Diploma Nursing , Allied Health Sciences (AHS ) Degree / Diploma courses and MSc courses. Please go through this bulletin carefully before filling the Application Form. If you want to download the Information Brochure Click Here.
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