UPSC Recruitment Research Officer (Medical Plants/ Agronomy) Apply Within 31st Dec 2015.
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) India has been recruitment for the ‘Research Officer (Medicinal Plants / Agronomy)‘ Posts the in the department of National Medicinal Plants Board. Candidates who are eligible for this post can apply online from the Official Website for the post. Applicant can apply within 31st December 2015.
Research Officer (Medicinal Plants / Agronomy)
Vacancy Details given below
Number of Vacancy: 15121803212
Name of Post: Research Officer (Medicinal Plants / Agronomy)
Classification : Not arise
Ministry/Administration : Ministry of Ayush.
Department/Office : Other
Name of Organisation: National Medicinal Plants Board.
Number of Posts and Reservation:
1 0 0 0 1 1
PH Reservation Details:
PH Type:
Orthopedically Handicapped or Locomotor Disability or Cerebral Palsy
Orthopedically Handicapped or Locomotor Disability or Cerebral Palsy
Orthopedically Handicapped or Locomotor Disability or Cerebral Palsy
Orthopedically Handicapped or Locomotor Disability or Cerebral Palsy
PH Category:
BL-Both legs affected but not arms
OL-One leg affected (R or L)
OA-One arm affected (R or L)
OLA-One Leg and One Arm Affected in the PH categories.
Post Description:
Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100/- (PB-3) Plus Grade Pay of Rs.5400/-. (Total emoluments excluding T.A. nad HRA at the time of initial appointment will be Rs. 57,846/-p.m. approximately).
Age of Candidates:
Not exceeding 35 years as on normal closing date. Relaxable for regularly appointed Central / UT Govt. servants upto five years as per the instructions issued by the Govt. of India from time to time. For age concession applicable to some other categories of applicants, please see relevant paras of the ‘Instructions and Additional Information to Candidates for Recruitment by Selection’.
Essential Qualifications:
Master’s degree of Science in Botany or Medicinal Plants or Agriculture or Agronomy or Forestry from a recognized university or Institute or equivalent. There is no qualification equivalent to the qualifications mentioned above.
Note: The qualifications are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing in case of candidates otherwise well qualified.
Three years post qualification experience of working in the field or research and development on medicinal plants in a University or Institute or Government Department or Organization of repute.
Desirable Qualifications: Philosophical Doctorate (Ph.D.) in relevant subject from a recognized university or institute or equivalent. There is no qualification equivalent to the qualification mentioned above.
Nature of Duties:
a) The post is required to look after all Technical work relating to Medicinal Plants sector dealt by the Board and to assist the Senior Officers in formulation, implementation and monitoring of the schemes programmes / project.
b) To look after all matters including the inception of ideas, formularization of proposals and implementation of programmes.
c) To scrutinize and sanction the proposals and follow up of their implementations and monitoring them.
Probation: One year
Head Quarter: New Delhi With All India Service Liability
Other Details: General Central Service, Group A, ‘Gazetted’, Non-Ministerial. The post is temporary but likely to continue.
Click to link below for Apply.
Candidates Now Apply from the Official Website for the Post Research Officer (Medicinal Plants / Agronomy)